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    Register Trust or Society to carry on the activities of NGO

    Contribute towards the benefit of general public and society at large

    Trust or Society

    NGO can be run by either through Trust, Society or Section 8 company.
    Trust can be movable or immovable, revocable or irrevocable. Minimum 2 person are required to form it and a settlor can also be a trustee. It’s governed by the state act or Indian Trust Act. Trust are registered with registrar under local area where address is situated.
    Governed by the Societies Registration Act 1860, Registrar of Societies falling under local SDM office is the registering authority for society.

    Advantage & Benefit of Trust or Society


    Easy to register

    NGO in form of trust or society are quickly registered within a short frame of time.

    No name approval

    Any name can be chosen for trust or society unless and until its undesirable and prohibited.

    Tax Exemption

    Trust or Society can avail exemption of income tax subject to certain conditions.

    Tax exemption for donors

    Donors can avail tax exemption on donation to trust or society which has relevant exemption certificate under section 80 of Income tax act.

    Benefit to Society

    Objects and activities are pursued for upliftment of society.

    Less Compliance

    Trust or Society are convenient to run and manage in comparison to section 8 company which has stringent compliance.

    Foreign Funding

    Overseas donation can be sourced by registering trust or society under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.

    Compare Options

    BasisPrivate Limited CompanyLimited Liability PartnershipOne Person CompanyPartnership FirmSole Proprietorship
    Suitable ForStart-ups Professional firmsIndividual promotersFamily businessesSmall Businesses
    Investors Attractive Less AttractiveNot preferableUnlikelyNo way
    Limited Liability YesYesYesNoNo
    Taxation BenefitsCertain benefits EfficientbenefitsLowestLowest
    Constant Existence
    Compliance ApplicabilityHighLowHighMinimalMinimal

    Process to register NGO

    Select a Service
    Make Payment
    Service completed
    STEP 1: Select a Service
    STEP 2: Upload Documents
    STEP 3: Make Payment
    STEP 4: Service completed

    Package & Pricing

    Documents for registration of NGO


    PAN of Founding members


    Aadhar of Founding members


    Photo of Founders


    Email ID of founders


    Mobile Number founders


    Place of Business Address Proof with NOC (Ownership/ Rent Agreement/ Lease deed/ Consent Letter


    Electricity bill of place of business (Latest 2 months)


    PAN & Aadhar of two witness


    1. How many persons are required to register a trust?
    2. How many persons are required to register a society?
    3. Where trust and society are registered?
    4. What is difference between section 8 company, trust and society?
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