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    Proprietorship Firm

    Proprietorship firm is most popular, common & convenient form of organisation to start and run business in India. An individual can start a proprietorship firm in a single day. Any name can be taken unless & until it is undesirable and permitted by law.
    Proprietorship firm is neither regulated by any law nor registered anywhere. However, the incidental laws, rules & regulations applicable to a business-like income tax act,GST, food licenses or any other need to adhered. There is no requirement to obtain separate pan card for firm & individual pan card is valid in furtherance of business. Proprietorship firm are suitable & opted by small individual entrepreneur.
    However, with introduction of One Person Company which is registered entity with limited liability, a new door has been opened for small businesses as it provides a corporate identity.

    Advantage & Benefit of registered Partnership Firm


    Easy & Convenient to Start

    No approval for Name: Proprietorship firm can take any name unless & until its undesirable & prevented by law.

    Less compliance: No annual filing required.

    Tax relief: Basic threshold exemption & slab rate as per income tax applicable

    Convenient to Shut Down: Since, its unregistered there is no prescribed procedure to close or wind up the business.

    Compare Options

    BasisPrivate Limited CompanyLimited Liability PartnershipOne Person CompanyPartnership FirmSole Proprietorship
    Suitable ForStart-ups Professional firmsIndividual promotersFamily businessesSmall Businesses
    Investors Attractive Less AttractiveNot preferableUnlikelyNo way
    Limited Liability YesYesYesNoNo
    Taxation BenefitsCertain benefits EfficientbenefitsLowestLowest
    Constant Existence
    Compliance ApplicabilityHighLowHighMinimalMinimal

    Process to start Proprietorship Firm

    Select a Service
    Make Payment
    Service completed
    STEP 1: Select a Service
    STEP 2: Upload Documents
    STEP 3: Make Payment
    STEP 4: Service completed

    Package & Pricing

    Documents for online registration of Proprietorship Firm


    PAN of Proprietor


    Aadhar of Proprietor


    Photo of Partners


    Address Proof of business


    1. Can two persons start proprietorship firm together?
    2. What tax rate is applicable on proprietorship firm?
    3. Can a proprietorship firm be converted into limited liability partnership firm?
    4. Can a partnership firm be converted into private limited company?
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